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Blog News
SAR Measurement Conservativeness & Separation Distance
December 2023 | Viewpoint

This Viewpoint covers the conservativeness of SAR measurement standards and how SAR values reported for each model consequently overstate real-life exposure levels.


Blog News
Can accessible consumer electronics bridge the gap in assistive technology provision?
May 2022 | Viewpoint

Many smartphones today include accessibility features that can complement and for many use cases replace specialised assistive technology (AT) such as screen-readers, screen loops, speech-to-text programmes or alternative augmented communication (AAC). In some cases, an accessible mainstream device would even better fulfil the requirements of users with disabilities and/or individual access needs than specialised AT. For this reason, the MWF in 2021 initiated a research project to investigate whether devices listed in GARI fulfil the requirements of assistive technology (AT) and could be eligible for national assistive technology funding. A team of researchers from the Global Universal Design Commission Europe (GUDC-EU), and David Banes Access and Inclusion Services analysed the current policy environment in six countries, analysed eligibility, approval, funding, and provision of assistive technology – checking against user needs, and developed initial indicators for the social return on investment (SRoI) for including mainstream consumer technology in AT provision schemes.


Blog News
Can smartphones qualify for assistive technology funding?
March 2022 | Viewpoint

Many smartphones today include accessibility features that can complement and for many use cases replace specialised assistive technology (AT) such as screen-readers, screen loops, speech-to-text programmes or alternative augmented communication (AAC). In some cases, an accessible mainstream device would even better fulfil the requirements of users with disabilities and/or individual access needs than specialised AT. For this reason, the MWF in 2021 initiated a research project to investigate whether devices listed in GARI fulfil the requirements of assistive technology (AT) and could be eligible for national assistive technology funding. A team of researchers from the Global Universal Design Commission Europe (GUDC-EU), and David Banes Access and Inclusion Services analysed the current policy environment in six countries, analysed eligibility, approval, funding, and provision of assistive technology – checking against user needs, and developed initial indicators for the social return on investment (SRoI) for including mainstream consumer technology in AT provision schemes.


Blog News
The Importance of Quality Control Measures in Scientific Studies
September 2021 | Viewpoint

While there are many studies that have investigated the exposure to EMF over the years, there are also many that have utilized poor techniques and design. The importance of adopting quality control measures have been highlighted in a number of papers and reviews of the literature - several of which are summarised in this Viewpoint.


Blog News
Comparing Base Station Exposure Levels
September 2021 | Viewpoint

Electromagnetic Field (EMF) exposure levels from mobile base stations have been measured by operators and national regulators on a regular basis over the years and assessed in a number of studies. This Viewpoint details the results of those studies which all show that base station exposure levels at ground level are only a fraction of ICNIRP recommendations.


Blog News
Environmental Health Trust, et al. v. FCC Litigation
September 2021 | Viewpoint

This Viewpoint provides an overview of the recent decision of the DC Court of Appeal in EHT v FCC regarding the Commission's RF Exposure Limits.


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