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Blog News
GARI Annual Report 2019
June 2020 | Brochure

In this report, we are happy to give you a summary of GARI’s progress in 2019, including the outcomes of the 5th GARI Feature Review, the addition of new features and new languages, partnerships to promote mobile accessibility worldwide and the key outcomes of a research project we carried out to understand GARI’s social value.


Blog News
EMF Explained: 5G
May 2020 | Brochure

The EMF Explained Series provides information on mobile technology and Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) referencing international health authorities, government, academia and the telecommunications industry. The EMF Explained Series has been developed by the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA) in association with the GSMA and Mobile and Wireless Forum (MWF).


Blog News
5G et EMF Explained
September 2019 | Brochure

La série EMF Explained offre une variété d’informations à propos de la technologie mobile et des champs électromagnétiques (CEM) en faisant référence aux autorités sanitaires internationales, au gouvernement, aux universités et à l'industrie des télécommunications. La série EMF Explained a été développée par l'Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA) en collaboration avec la GSMA et le Mobile & Wireless Forum (MWF).


Blog News
Implications for Mobile Communications Infrastructure of Arbitrary Radio Frequency Exposure Limits
April 2019 | Brochure

5G addresses the very large growth in data and connectivity demand as more and more devices go online and remain connected 24/7. 5G offer much faster connections, shorter response times (latency) and increased capacity, and is a key infrastructure for the Internet of Things (IoT) and innovation of emerging technologies such as autonomous vehicles, smart manufacturing and virtual reality.

However, public concern over the deployment of this infrastructure in some countries has led to the adoption of arbitrary restrictions, such as lower national exposure limits. These restrictions are not based on a clear scientific rationale taking into account the weight of research. Such measures provide no additional health protection for the community but they do have a real impact on efficient network deployment and operation and can adversely affect the introduction and deployment of new technologies such as 5G that would otherwise provide further economic and social benefits to the community. This paper examines the technical and public policy implications of arbitrarily lower RF exposure limits.


Blog News
GARI: Accessibility features at a glance
September 2018 | Brochure

Have a look at this one-page overview of over 100 accessibility features in today’s mobile phones.


Blog News
GARI feature guide: Over 100 accessibility features in my phone – how do I know what helps me?
September 2018 | Brochure

We have prepared a feature guide for GARI. The intention is to give users an overview at one glance of the 120 accessibility features listed in the GARI database along with thoughts as to who they might be useful for. Using this guide, we invite users to go and explore the database for devices that provide these features in order to find a device that best suits their needs.


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