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Blog News
Brussels & 5G
August 2021 | Viewpoint

The Brussels Capital Region in Belgium introduced arbitrarily low EMF exposure limits more than a decade ago, which caused problems for both 4G and 5G deployment. While the limits have now been increased they still lack any scientific rationale and remain below the limits recommended by the World Health Organization.


Blog News
SAR Measurement Conservativeness
July 2021 | Viewpoint

This Viewpoint discusses the conservativeness of the measurement standards and how in real life devices operate at significantly lower power levels than those in testing.


Blog News
How RF Exposure Limits are Derived
July 2021 | Viewpoint

This Viewpoint provides a brief overview of the process followed by ICNIRP and IEEE in developing their RF Exposure standards including the role of reduction factors.


Blog News
2020 ICNIRP Guidelines
April 2020 | Viewpoint

The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has published their updated exposure guidelines1. The ICNIRP Guidelines form the basis of many national regulations as well as the European regulatory framework on EMF.


Blog News
ANSES Opinion on SAR
October 2019 | Viewpoint

The recent publication by the French health agency ANSES on the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) value of mobile phones carried close to the body found that the scientific literature has not established any adverse health effects associated with their use. ANSES did encourage consumers “to comply with the operating instructions (regarding distance) mentioned by manufacturers in the instructions”. In their communication, ANSES also confirmed that “the electromagnetic radiation emissions from mobile telephones corresponded to a "worst case" situation, in which the device was emitting at maximum power throughout the test. In principle, this is not the case under real conditions or use.”


Blog News
5G: Health & Safety
August 2019 | Viewpoint

5G is the 5th generation of mobile networks, a significant evolution of today’s 4G networks. It is being designed to meet the very large growth in data and connectivity of today’s modern society, the internet of things with billions of connected devices and tomorrow’s innovations. In addition to delivering faster connections and greater capacity, a very important advantage of 5G is the fast response time referred to as latency, which for 5G will be around 1 millisecond which is virtually instantaneous. This enables the widespread connection of devices for our smart cities and homes, autonomous and safer vehicles, enhanced health care and education.


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