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5G & Coronavirus: Real Fake News
May 2020 | Video

Recently, a conspiracy theory linking 5G to the spread of Coronavirus has been circulating on social media that has resulted in acts of vandalism and arson against 5G masts or cell phone towers in several countries. Watch our latest video for the full details and expert reactions to the underlying claims.

Blog News
2020 ICNIRP Guidelines
April 2020 | Viewpoint

The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has published their updated exposure guidelines1. The ICNIRP Guidelines form the basis of many national regulations as well as the European regulatory framework on EMF.


Blog News
MWF Annual Report 2019
April 2020 | Report

The MWF’s Annual Report 2019 gives an update on the 5G EMF Research Agenda, the most important development in international standardisation for the mobile industry, EMF regulatory developments, international collaborations, EMF media coverage and MWF communications efforts.


What is 5G?
March 2020 | Video

Subscribe to our Youtube Channel to get updates on 5G, Internet of Things(IoT), Accessibility Features and Mobile & Wireless Communications.

Blog News
ANSES Opinion on SAR
October 2019 | Viewpoint

The recent publication by the French health agency ANSES on the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) value of mobile phones carried close to the body found that the scientific literature has not established any adverse health effects associated with their use. ANSES did encourage consumers “to comply with the operating instructions (regarding distance) mentioned by manufacturers in the instructions”. In their communication, ANSES also confirmed that “the electromagnetic radiation emissions from mobile telephones corresponded to a "worst case" situation, in which the device was emitting at maximum power throughout the test. In principle, this is not the case under real conditions or use.”


Blog News
5G et EMF Explained
September 2019 | Brochure

La série EMF Explained offre une variété d’informations à propos de la technologie mobile et des champs électromagnétiques (CEM) en faisant référence aux autorités sanitaires internationales, au gouvernement, aux universités et à l'industrie des télécommunications. La série EMF Explained a été développée par l'Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA) en collaboration avec la GSMA et le Mobile & Wireless Forum (MWF).


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EMF & Health
EMF & Health
SAR Compliance
SAR Compliance
Counterfeit Devices